My experience:
I started my very first cycle with 50mg Primo. After 4 weeks went up to 75mg for two weeks.
Wasn't paying attention, wasn't thinking, etc... Boom lost my voice. I immediately stopped Primo but to no avail. That was 4 weeks ago and my voice shows no sign of lightning up. Not only is it embarrassing but it is a dead give away of AS use. I can no longer sing. It's a real effort just to talk. I sound like a bull frog. I'm really sick about it.
I also acquired cystic acne and dark course chin hairs I have to constantly tweeze. The texture of my skin has degraded from fine/clear/unblemished to course/bumpy/cyst prone
So Muneca, be aware. If your voice starts to crack or even just feel funny STOP everything immediately. A sore throat isn't the only prerequisite. Mine never got sore, which is maybe why I dismissed the changes that were happening. I thought it was just my increased cardio workout and the result of gasping for breath in the cold AM air. And to be honest.... I just plain forgot!
Don't be a flake like I was. Pay close attention to your body. I know I've never paid attention to mine, never had to till now. Example: I'd get up in the morn wash my face with ivory, do my hair and I was out the door. Ne'er a glance in the mirror. (never had zits or wore makeup) So it's something that one has to learn. Stop and look in the mirror.
Remember the old STOP! LOOK! and LISTEN!
I know nothing of winny but if I was you I'd take the advise of these women here on the board who do, and backoff and go slow. Better safe than sorry.
I'm 47y/o and have hep B and C which might account for the degree and quick onset of my sides. (?)
I'm going to maybe try some of that Clenbuterol and calorie cutting to see if I can cut some fat off that way first ( i'm 25%bf) before ever trying Primo again.
Maybe I should start a new thread with this but I'll ask it here anyway, sense I'm here. Has anyone tried estrogen to reverse voice damage? Has anyone *ever* succeeded in reversing voice damage? If so, how?
I'm on my way to look into the larynx right now but I've found this so far
"Other changes can occur due to changes in hormone levels:
Women can have a lowering of pitch from the loss of estrogen in their bodies during and after
menopause. This can be prevented or reversed with estrogen replacement therapy.
Men's voices tend to get higher as they age, as their levels of testosterone drop."
Sorry for going on here.....Take it EZ Muneca. Take it from one who screwed up.