I can't seem to get much gains in my dumbell curls! Any suggestions??
I do 3 x 12 x 25#. I can get to 6 or 8 with 30#. Do I just keep plugging away at the 30#?? Or do I do my 25# and then a set with 30#...
tons of things you can try. stay at 25 for a week or 2 and do slow reps (3 seconds each way).. try 30's drop setting to 15 for a while.
worth a shot. working slow will get your nervous system involved and can boost your strength significantly. 30 drop to 15 will shock the hell out of the muscle.
Do only 3-5 sets of Barbell curls a week and Make sure you incorporate Squats, SLDL's, Deads, and Cleans in your routine. Come back 6 weeks and try a 40lb. DB and you'll curl the shit out of it. Trust me.