i know how this dude feels because im a shy fuck to. I bet he doesnt know what to say when talking to her and thats what makes u nervious cuz u dont want to look retarded shit happens to me alot, and actually girls like shy guys they think its really cute, Just say hey, she will say hey and hopefully she will lead the convo away, if not then say whats ur name? and she be like im ms.boobala and then say nice to meet u im mr.smallballs and then be like we should do something sometime and she will be like yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and u say just let me know when ur free and she be like tonite and you say okkkkkkkk and say something to do and ur good to go, usually u wont get that far because ms.boobala will be blabering on about shit and then u got a hole convo goin