I've been doing the 5x5 routine now for 2 and a half months. I'll be trying to max on bench in two more weeks. My old 1RM for barbell bench press was 265 and I weighed 205. Last night I did 240 for 5x5 and got it all myself. I know I'm much stronger now than I was before, and I'm sure I can toss up 275 easy. I'm curious as to the best way to determine what I should attempt on my max day. I plan to lift close to a max one week to prepare myself for heavier low rep weight, and then go for a true 1RM. With my old PR I lifted 60 pounds over my body weight. Since I started this program I've gone from 205 to 230 pounds, I weight jump that I'm very pleased with. I would like to think that I can still lift 60 over my body weight and maybe better so I'd like to believe I can get 290 and even more stoked about possibly getting 300. What do you think what should I go for. Also on the actual day of the max what should I do for warm-ups weight reps before going for it. I was thinking warming up with plates then going to 200 or so for like 5 and then something a bit more like 250/260 for 2 or 3 reps and then attacking the 1RM.