Ok, women tell me if my g/f has a thyroid problem. About every month or 2 she'll get REALLY tired for a few days for no apparent reason (And no its not her peroid). And its NOT from bad diet or overtraining. And when i say she gets tired i'm talking she's really drained and she can sleep ALL DAY. At 1st she can counteract the tiredness from taking ephdra products through out the day. But then after a couple days of that then she'll wake up 1 morning and she just can't move she's so tired. Then she just doesn't take any ephdra or go anywhere or do anything. And during this time she gets puffy in the face and she actually looks like she gained fat just over amount of a few days. She also is very tempature sensitive (another thyroid symtom)Well awhile back i figured it was either low Iron or her Thyroid. And she went to her (Women) doctor. And it pissed me off cause she had to have an appointment which took her 3 wks to get worked in. Hell by that time she was feeling fine! And she goes in and they check her Thyroid from a blood test. And i recently heard this is not an accurate way of checking thyroid. I believe this women doesn't know what the hell she is doing. She really needs to see my Doc he's good. Well it takes to long my Doc said for to work a new patient in. So tommorow i'm going to pick her up early and take her to her doctor. And i'm going to tell this women to check her thyroid right now! Cause we're not waiting 3 wks to get her shedualed in and then she feels fine by then. And my g/f says the women doctor doesn't listen to her so she wants me to go with her and tell this women doctor how it is. Sorry but i've had a bad run in with a women doctor before and i've found the ones i've in countered with to not be good doctors. But i'm not saying all women doctors are bad. But this makes 2 women doctors that suck. So I'm going to tell this women she has a thyroid problem and to find it. And if she says she doesn't then she better well do her fucking work and find out WHAT IS A WRONG WITH HER THEN!
Btw is you're wondering about her diet she eats 7 meals a day and gets between 150-200g of protein a day from chicken, tuna, protein shakes. And 200 grams of carbs a day and she only weighs 100lbs @ 5" tall. she only works out 4 days a wk. So i know its not her diet or over training.
Btw is you're wondering about her diet she eats 7 meals a day and gets between 150-200g of protein a day from chicken, tuna, protein shakes. And 200 grams of carbs a day and she only weighs 100lbs @ 5" tall. she only works out 4 days a wk. So i know its not her diet or over training.