The simple fact, Jaime, is that since you're starting off with not being, in any way, overweight and you already work out, you have to understand that you need to be even more structured in your approach to diet if you want to trim down, which means measuring and recording and giving up favorite things (cutting refined carbs/sweets/artificial sweeteners). It's annoying but that's the reality. Reshaping your body is about numbers and a structured approach to eating (three meals and two snacks a day consumed about three hours apart). This is probably stuff you've already been hearing from your fiancee.
For example, to cut fat, you need to "generally" eat 10x to 12x your bodyweight in calories (everybody's body is different, 10x your bodyweight might have you dropping too fast, more than 1.5 to 2 lbs a week, which means you're losing muscle). Those calories should be consumed in a ratio of 40% protein/30% carb/30% fat. For you that would mean eating somewhere between 1400 calories (140 g. protein/105 g. carb/47 g. fat) and 1700 calories (170 g. protein/128 g. carb/57 g. fat).
Obviously you need to measure the food, and record it, for that you need a weight loss journal, and something like
FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal is free. Measuring and recording food is really the critical key to getting a handle on your diet. You have to put things down so you can see the hard figures and what needs to be revised.
As for how to put it all together, there are numerous sample menus in the stickies at the top of the forum. At a glance, without specific numbers, I suspect you're not eating enough in general, and your diet looks too carb heavy. You need to think less milk, breads and pastas and more clean carbs like brown rice, sweet potatoes and vegetables and your protein is probably too low.