Man go out and get a pair of shoes with some huge soles. Some construction boots, or "lugz", at least that sort of style. with the big soles will add a solid inch onto you.
Well if yor seventeen, you still have some growing. Just DONT take roids. those will seal up your growth plates. Maybe try drinking alot of milk, and eggs. Apparently glutamine helps. But i dunno. Man i mean push it with the diet, you may be able to help add a few inches. If not, try getting some Real GH (if you have a few grand). You should be able to add some height with that, if your body still growing at all.
Also i know some guy in gymmastics, who put on 3 inches of height at 29 years. As soon as he quit. By taking off all of the pressure on his growth plates, spine, etc. he streched right out. and put on 3 inches in like 3 months or something riddiculos like that. So if your doing anything like that you may want to weigh its value in your life. It all depends on how important being tall is to you.
Anyway, There is shit you can do. but you just gotta give'er with that diet, and see if you cant squeeze an extra inch or two out over the next few years