I realized awhile ago that there's nothing wrong with porno or jering off. Religious guilt tripping freaks would have you believe it's wrong, but that's a crock of bullshit.
Human's are sexual creatures and if we don't have another to gratify us when we want it then we do it ourselves.
i used to look at it and utilize it from age 13 till about a 9 or 10 months ago. dakotah bitched enough about it that i got tired of the bitching and said i wanted more head from her in exchange. i've only looked at porn prolly 5 to 8 x's in the last 3 months. for me that's like star jones going with out food for 15 mins
If I had a girlfriend or even fuckbuddy then I wouldn't jerk off as much so I'd enjoy real copulation even more, but when you got nobody or she doesn't give it up much then you gotta self-service.
If I had a girlfriend or even fuckbuddy then I wouldn't jerk off as much so I'd enjoy real copulation even more, but when you got nobody or she doesn't give it up much then you gotta self-service.
The world exist thanks to porn. Just imagine all of us without the pussy we NEED and without porn. We'll be crazy insane psychos animals on the streets. No discipline, no organization, chaos, no business, rapes everywhere, killings, wars (even more).
Remember porn was created to replace in part our animal sexual needs. That kind of sexual instinct that we can't satisfy in this modern civilization. The only way to quit porn, it having a lot of money, being single, and fucking whores everyday. Even having that I think I'd still put a porn to watch while I fuck 5 whores at a time.