LMAO ... I posted one not too long ago. She is tinkerbell, I think the pic is still in my bio.
Things are going well, I am trying to set some goals, thinking about what I want to accomplish. No interest in competing (figure, etc) but have some other things i am thinking about trying.
Supplement wise, I still love AF stuff. Been sporatic about taking supps, taking Sesapure and Gluc-R fairly regularly though. Went through a couple hard spots - got Step Throat, Baby Daisy went through a rough week without sleep, then work gets in the way. I have been good about the gym over the last couple weeks - going about 3x a week for 2-3 weeks now. Getting back in to lifting, focusing more on cardio right now. Gotta get some kind of stamina, lol.
Think I am going to order Cardio Breeze soon.