HIT vs. High Volume Training
I'm not going to say what will or what won't work for you. I think High Volume and HIT can work for everyone, depending on how you apply each of them. I believe HIT is one of the fastest methods for producing muscle growth. In HIT, you do less sets, but each work set you do must be with great intensity, or in other words taken to total muscle failure. To the point where the bar doesn't even budge. What produces muscle growth? When you lift to gain muscle, you want to fatigue most of your muscle fibers. You can never fatigue all of your muscle fibers, your body always keeps some in reserve. You can actually stimulate most of your muscle fibers doing only 1-3 sets of one workout to muscle failure. It's a great idea to have someone help you do a few forced reps after each set. On my last set, my last 2-3 reps are negative reps. I lower the bar or weight as slow as I can and then I have my partner pull or push it back up. Negative reps are killer. You only want to work each body part once a week on HIT, except for maybe abs and calves, which can be worked at high intensity 2-3 days a week, since they have fast twitched muscle fibers. High volume does have it's place in bodybuilding. You cannot do 6-20 work sets per body part if they're taken to muscle failure. The only way to train like that is to be on juice. For a natural athlete, I believe HIT is the way to go. If you take juice, you can train a lot harder. So high volume would be more beneficial. The only problem with using the high volume method is that your body will produce a lot of lactic acid. It's not good to have too much of it in your system. I noticed that I did gain while I was on the high volume approach, but eventually my progress stopped and I got sick. This was all do to overtraining. Weight lifting doesn't just stress your muscles, it stresses your whole nervous system.