I speak from experience when I say that literally every white american woman Ive dated beyond a few dates have had the red flags pop up showing they wouldnt be good long term material. But there have been minorities or foreign women that have been great and it was me that had the problem for things going bad.
Sure, its all anecdotal evidence, but when american men repeatedly see this, and the amount of american men that take foreign brides is ever increasing, you gotta start putting 2 and 2 together.
I speak from experience when I say that literally every white american woman Ive dated beyond a few dates have had the red flags pop up showing they wouldnt be good long term material. But there have been minorities or foreign women that have been great and it was me that had the problem for things going bad.
Sure, its all anecdotal evidence, but when american men repeatedly see this, and the amount of american men that take foreign brides is ever increasing, you gotta start putting 2 and 2 together.
You're not going to commiserate with American Males who've not shared the same experience with you, are you? So, I would say your anecdotal evidence is skewed by the fact alone. What was said is a gross generalization, end of story. I'm not going to get into a debate. Educated people understand it is a gross generalization, even bigoted, to say such shit about a particular race/gender.
Oh, and Jigga, let me pass the memo onto my beautiful mom, who raised three girls singlehandedly, that she's a spongy old mess. lol
Yes you can. Just like you can pigeonhole that 20-something hot white chicks in Hollywood clubs are looking for rich & famous people to sleep with - or that guys in bars will sleep with any hot chick that comes their way.
Go blame feminism, where drama-ridden american women now expect to be put on a pedastal and be catered too - and the new age of pussyified american men allow this. Go watch reality tv for a taste!