yea seems like most suggest girl 2...i was thinking earlier though i'm really good friends with girl 3 AND her best friend...
so i thought if i were to flirt with her best friend she'd get jealous (shes that type to get mad when you call another girl really hot in front of her) then shed come beggin but i don't know i wouldn't want to lead on my other friend because if she DOES like me after a while...then i'd feel like an idiot for doing that...because girl #3 might step aside n say "oh im happy for u two..." n then i'm screwed...i dont know ill just take it play by play and update on what happens
id tag them all and they never would know about each other.. what the fuck are you looking for a relationship? are you on crack or just never been in one? take it from me you DO NOT want a relationship!!
id tag them all and they never would know about each other.. what the fuck are you looking for a relationship? are you on crack or just never been in one? take it from me you DO NOT want a relationship!!
but they all know each other...not good friends or anything but at least acquaintances...and remember this is still high school so word gets around fast about sexin it up and who's hittin who at the moment - i'm not like WAITING anxious for a relationship or anything but itd be better i think than JUST sex...been in 3 actual relationships (not counting hook up buddies, etc.) and they were all great...good times for sure...of course the occasional fight sucks but in the end the good parts outweigh the bad i think