hey guys...girl issues here oy vey...here is the lowdown:
1 girl - keeps like approaching me everytime she sees me and holding on my arm and hugging me like nonstop etc. n complimenting me (which is nice) but i don't really like her like that because she's so clingy to her guys and like the biggest drama queen even though i like her as a friend...+ she has small boobs which i KNOW is like a jerk thing to say but that coulda helped if she didnt
so basically i could be with her right at this very moment if i wanted to and i would get laid for sure because like we got off a ride at disneyland and it was a water ride and my shirt was soaked n on tight n she was just like whispering to me OMG you're really turning me on right now...i wish they (the others) weren't here right now...lol...
2nd girl - she is like a conservative girl and kinda has a nerdy personality but was like way uglier freshman year... now she is pretty cute - since then she has tanned...gotten dirtier (a plus) and she compliments me ALL the time and has straightened hair now (used to be nerdy and have it like ugly n unkempt curls) and she's always had huge boobs (but not fat...rare but good genetics)...so i don't know how far that would go or if i would get sick of her nerdy personality/actions even though she looks pretty hot...
3rd girl - can be myself with her completely...she's really hot...got medium boobs (not too small tho
)...but she is the biggest TEASE in the world...like the farthest she's gone was making out but she ALWAYS talks about sex n stuff like that...and she's also a big flirt...like last year she flirted with a guy i know a BUNCH and he thought she liked him like he liked her...but turned out she was like WTF i was just good friends with em but NOTHING more...so i don't know if it's the same situation with me...cuz that would suck if it is...so i don't know if its worth it to keep trying/waiting for this chick to come around and want me like the other 2 do...or should i just go for 1 or 2 and have a little fun even though i feel i would probably be happiest with #3?
gimme your guys' input...let me just state i do not ONLY care about the sex like unfortunately some guys here do
- even though its cool it's not the most important thing if you ask me...just how i am...any advice would be appreciated thanks guys...ladies feel free to input too