You act as if there's some sort of huge criteria for protein...
Way too much fat and sugar. Why is there 6 threads on the same product? That just screams "Not good enough to sell itself".
I'm not saying they're bad. I'm just saying they're nothing special and no better than what I can get at 7-11.
wrong. very little sugar and fat.
the sugar in it is just from the honey but you know what? get fresh honey from the flea market and not the store brand and you will be good to go. and another thing, you don't have to use honey.
are the not same as 7-11 protein bars, why don't you go buy one from 7-11 and lets compare the ingredients and then you can tell me they are the same. not even close!
these YOU make yourself from scratch. 7-11 bars come packaged and processed with corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, soybean oil, and other crap that is making our nation fatter and fatter. so how are they the same as you claim?