Daisy (or anyone else),
If you have an awful bf% and are too high in lbs. to begin with, I take it you recommend cutting first. (If nothing else, just to avoid tears.)
What I didn't get from your great summary was the extent to which weight training should be done (if at all, to preserve some muscle) in a cutting phase along with HIIT? How many minutes in HIIT do you recommend for starting - in how many sessions per day, and do you recommend any aerobics outside of that at all? (Or are you in the camp that views non-HIIT cardio as not exactly that useful?)
While I'm at it, and I apologize for this being a lot of questions, but generally how many calories per day and what composition (p/f/c) do you recommend for women for cutting phases? (And if the person has too-high bf, do you base your calorie recommendations on their lean mass or total weight?)
Thanks. Just starting a physiologic daily dose of HGH and while I have that assistance, am aiming to maximize the effects. I'm 5'4" and have been eating around 1400 calories a day - reasonably clean - but maintain on that (longstanding whacked-out metabolism). Am trying to inch it up to more like 1600 w/at least 160g protein per day... so far so good, am down in theory a teensy bit on bodyfat 1 day after the first HGH (not that it's even related yet and the bf scales aren't that accurate anyhow) and after about a week of 1600 cals/day haven't seen scale freak out.