Wow. First I've heard of this (I haven't been around much lately). We always gave each other shit, jokingly of course, but I hope he knew how much I respected and grew to like him. R.I.P. Will. You will be missed by many.
Wow. First I've heard of this (I haven't been around much lately). We always gave each other shit, jokingly of course, but I hope he knew how much I respected and grew to like him. R.I.P. Will. You will be missed by many.
Embedding was disabled for that video on the YouTube server, but your choice of "One Sweet Day" by Mariah and Boyz II Men was a good choice (you can back track to the actual video in Youtube). Reminds me when I lost one of my best friends in college.
i'm in total shock, can't even process it fully yet. someone made a thread asking about him awhile back, i figured he was just back teaching or maybe on vacation or something
i thought the thread was about him quiting EF or something
i will always remember him as the nicest guy on the board ..he would go out his way to help anyone noob or vet and give repeative answers over and over, with never snapping " use the search button", when it was very much deserved. When people gave him grief on here, he never shot back and gave insults.. he was a gentle giant .. he was truely 1 of a kind .. him being able to touch so many people even threw the internet .. proves what a good, special person he was .. rip big guy, i will never forget u and u will always be right under my sn on ef in remembrance