No supplement will block sugar or carbs from being absorbed. However, there are supplements which will increase muscle insulin sensivity which will help shuttle the carbs/sugar into muscle cells and away from fat cells.
Check out this article on N2slin and how N2slin works brother ->
It basically works like this -
No one will question that carbs are anabolic. The problem with carbs is they are anabolic to BOTH muscle and fat cells.
What N2slin does is increases muscle insulin sensitivity. This helps partition the food you eat into muscle cells and away from fat cells.
The best way to use n2slin is to take 2 tablets 30-45 minutes before meals. It's actually particularly important to use N2slin before high carb days to ensure the carbs are stored in the muscles and not in fat cells.
Check out this article on N2slin and how N2slin works brother ->
It basically works like this -
No one will question that carbs are anabolic. The problem with carbs is they are anabolic to BOTH muscle and fat cells.
What N2slin does is increases muscle insulin sensitivity. This helps partition the food you eat into muscle cells and away from fat cells.
The best way to use n2slin is to take 2 tablets 30-45 minutes before meals. It's actually particularly important to use N2slin before high carb days to ensure the carbs are stored in the muscles and not in fat cells.