you should add Naringin to beastdrol and the other ones Needto
what you think?
I opted for tclc because this also helps with first pass and it also up regulates the androgen receptor. Granted it is not "as good" as Naringin is at helping more of the drug pass. However I wanted my products to be on the safer side.
I mean you already have people taking them that shouldn't be. I wish that were not so but some times its out of my control. Just imagine this.
When I was selling the products I got me a few scary stories of real dumb asses talking the products. I had one guy call me and explain to me how he was taking 6 beastdrol a day!!
Holy mother of god wtf was the guy thinking?
Good thing he called me about 2-3 days into the cycle with " I am feeling lethargic whats the problem?" So i could tell him what a complete meat head he was.
I had another guy call me yelling and screaming about how his 17 year old son had been stealing his credit card and using it to buy products from me. Now see thats some bullshit right there. It ain't my fault you cant watch your kids and you suck at life.. Still I emailed this man a complete order history of what his son had ordered. Then I worked with this man and called his son for him. I played a trick
spoke to the kid for a long time and got him to tell me all about how and where he was hiding the shit from his old man. Then called his dad and told him where the shit was at lololol...
I knew for a fact I was not going to be able to completely control where the products end up. So it was best to play it on the safe side.