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no you see you have to tell them all that there are others. no deception involved. (i despise people who lie and string people along, feelings and self esteem get trashed like that)Big Rick Rock said:I can't date 4 chicks at once. I will get caught for sure. I rather they know from the get that we are not exclusive at all. I don't push other chicks in their face, but they know there are others.
the way it went for me is that im a naturally chatty kind of guy, and having come out of a relationship that upset me, i flat out said "ive just come out of a relationship, and im looking for company. i dont care about sex, i just care about chatting, and passing the time with good company. if you want to hang out, gimme a yell, or ill text you during the week sometime"
most of the people i know kind of burn through their relationships, even casual ones, really fast. they find a girl, hit on her, maybe get her, go too fast, awkwardness or ill feeling creeps in, and bam, its over. i spent a lot of time hanging out, just for a laugh and a chat, a foundation of friendship was built, and sometimes things got romantic. im still on great terms with everybody, though it freaks me out a bit when i go out, and see a bunch of them, who dont know each other, standing in the same general area, all saying hello at once

if you try to deceive or lie, youll come undone, burn through some nice people, do a lot of damage, and get a rep as an asshole...which you will be. i didnt do that. if youre open, honest, upfront, attractive, good company, and fun to be around, things will usually swing to sex because many women are just like the guys i was talking about above - they burn through guys a bit too fast and have long periods where they fall back on their comfort friends...which you will have become.
yeesh i just read that and i sound like a bastard! omg! im just going to shut up now...but yeah, there you go