I think I might just liposucken the area clean......what the fuck?
I mean I could spend a couple of thousand getting there and trying to keep it there......orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......just suck the shit out from around my waste.......why not?
why dont you give thermo clen a try, im about to venture it soon, its administered via insulin needle around waist... great for spot remeval; also no need to cycle this clen.
Sirperry, I see what you are saying but, Zyg, Gethard, storm are on to something. I have those pesky love handles too. And all of the time I diet really strict and cardio for the summer, I will loose 3 inches and there will allways be about 2 inches left of luv handles that don't go away. I'll loose the initial 3 inches in 4-6 weeks and then for 2-3 months, I won't loose those last 2 luvies no matter what. I just started arimidex 5 days ago and already I think I have lost a little around my waste and I am bulking. Maybe there's something to this estrogen related fat deposit theory. I'll know more for myself as time goes on.