Or you guys need to come out here. We've got sun, sand, beautiful people, and lingerie modeling!
Pussy: the ultimate diet food.
My Valentine's Day was perfect, could not have been better, and we're getting started for S&BJ Day a month early. I think Wednesday is going to be Prosciutto Quiche & Blowjob Day.
Actually I dont get sick very often at all. This flu has had me outta commission for an entire week. I have not gotten sick like this in about 3 years.
Congrats to Stromba and Mrs.Puddles on your wedding aniversery. May you have many more to cum lol. Stromba sounds like you got a alot of kitty licking to make up for
Actually I dont get sick very often at all. This flu has had me outta commission for an entire week. I have not gotten sick like this in about 3 years.
My Valentine's Day was perfect, could not have been better, and we're getting started for S&BJ Day a month early. I think Wednesday is going to be Prosciutto Quiche & Blowjob Day.