Was thinking about something tonight... How quickly are we to point the finger at a great athlete and assume that they use AAS because they are VERY strong or VERY lean or VERY muscular... I have been guilty of this also...
I look at my girlfriend who has been lifting with me off and on for the past couple of weeks and I am just amazed. She has NEVER lifted weights in her life and she has muscles everywhere. She has erectors from neck to butt, calves, hams, quads, abs, can make her pecs jump, delts, biceps, triceps, traps, etc... She has done some pretty crazy things in the gym over the past week...and she is lifetiime drug free. She laughs that she is 'lifting free' also...
If I spent 3 years working with her, pushing her body to the extreme, working on her diet, etc...I just think about what she could be. She could be ripped at 5'1" with freaky strength...drug free. Most of all, people would be looking at her and they would just 'KNOW' in their minds that she was on all kinds of AAS because of how she looks...
Truth is...she has freaky genetics. Adding hard work to those genetics would make her look freaky. Of course...adding AAS to those genetics and hard work could make her amazing.
I also remember talking to Becca Swanson (if you don't know who she is, run a search on google) and she told me that she weighed 185 before she ever touched a weight. Our hands are the same size too...and I don't have small hands by any means.
Just a few thoughts...about genetics...about hard work...and about who we point the finger at. Mostly just speaking out loud...and bragging a lil too
B True
I look at my girlfriend who has been lifting with me off and on for the past couple of weeks and I am just amazed. She has NEVER lifted weights in her life and she has muscles everywhere. She has erectors from neck to butt, calves, hams, quads, abs, can make her pecs jump, delts, biceps, triceps, traps, etc... She has done some pretty crazy things in the gym over the past week...and she is lifetiime drug free. She laughs that she is 'lifting free' also...
If I spent 3 years working with her, pushing her body to the extreme, working on her diet, etc...I just think about what she could be. She could be ripped at 5'1" with freaky strength...drug free. Most of all, people would be looking at her and they would just 'KNOW' in their minds that she was on all kinds of AAS because of how she looks...
Truth is...she has freaky genetics. Adding hard work to those genetics would make her look freaky. Of course...adding AAS to those genetics and hard work could make her amazing.
I also remember talking to Becca Swanson (if you don't know who she is, run a search on google) and she told me that she weighed 185 before she ever touched a weight. Our hands are the same size too...and I don't have small hands by any means.
Just a few thoughts...about genetics...about hard work...and about who we point the finger at. Mostly just speaking out loud...and bragging a lil too

B True