benchmonster said:
The funny thing (to me) about genetics is that people who are strong never seem to talk much about genetics, while those who are weak never seem to talk much about anything but genetics, except for when they are whining about juice or equipment.
If you are looking for a reason to lose you will always find one.
posted almost 2 years ago and still holds true IMO...
....but it has been my experience that the genetically gifted are usually lazy. Everything comes so easily to them that they never learn work ethic...or dedication. While I can appreciate someone that is genetically gifted...and give them all their due credit. I have more respect for the "grinders". No NOT hardgainers...don't believe in that term. Just people that have to bust their balls/or ovaries to get where they want to go. Besides..."grinders" seem to respect their accomplishments more...and never seem to take them for granted. NOTHING has ever come easy for me...and that's just the way I want it.
Another thing that I have noticed about the genetically that they always seem to follow their genitics. They engage in the activities that their body is built for...maybe even when they don't enjoy it persay. Someone without any athletic ability will generally follow their passion. While I give someone like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson all the credit in the world. I have more RESPECT for someone like Mugsy Bogues or Spud Webb...bad genetics are just an excuse.
Originally posted by manny78
well i dont know anybody who's been rich for his genetics..... lol
Of course you do..Shaquille O'neal...he has absolutely NO SHOT...but because he is big and can move people, and dunk...he is considered one of The Greatest. Taking nothing away from him..but put him in Kevin Garnett's skinny frame...and make him have to shoot...and he would have washed out years ago.
Originally posted by rudedawg
Wait a minute.... remember your first response? People with that are gentecially gifted gravitate towards whtat they are gentically gifted at, right? So if Shaq wasn't built like he is he might have had to work on his all around game so he could have been a Kevin Garnett type player. Who knows?
Well I know that we are in agreement with this. And I think that this proves my point. Shaq never developed his game because he was always bigger and stronger than the rest. Had he had to work to get where he is maybe he would have a jumper...and would be an even more dominant player....if that is possible. Imagine how many points he has left at the free throw line..that is rediculous. And in the beginning of his career all he did was DUNK. When asked about his poor free throw shooting..he blamed it on being TOO TALL...PLEASE. There have been several Centers that have been money from the stripe. Even Bill Lambeer was known to hit from behind the 3 point arc with some proficiency. Of course now Shaq is starting to work on his game...guess he finally realized that raw talent will only take you so far.
This is not to say that KG does not have freaky genentics...dudes got springs. But he spent last summer working on his three point shooting...wanting to be a more complete player.
I guess the bottom line is...genetics aside...if you are a lazy bastard you are only going to go so far.