Well, this is my first cycle, so to be honest.. I am not sure what to expect. I will reduce my fat intake once I start, cuz I don't want bloat up or anything. I don't gain weight easy at all & can actually lose it quick, which is nice. Its going to be a trial & error process w/ the AS. I don't mind a little fat while gaining muscle & weight but, bloating is another story. I will know more & will be bale to adjust my diet more as I go along while on the AS. One thing u can be sure of is.. I am not planning to eat all kinds of crap while on the AS. I may throw in a crappy snack once a day or something. But, other then that.. It will be high protein, good amount of complex carbs & a moderate amount of fat, but from nuts, oils things like that. Daisy has been very helpful through her emails to me & pointed me in the right direction. : ) I do appreciate your input though PhysicalGirl.. You brought up a some good points, thanx.