New member
Goal: 220lb ripped to 6% and hard as fawk
Its gonna two months until I start this cycle but I like to have my shit together well in advance.
28 yrs
This will be my 5th proper cycle and yes I've ran Tren twice before and Slin once.
My only real concern with this cycle is too much E mixing with the Tren from the Dbol.
8 week clean bulk 4 week cut
1-12 250mg Test E
1-4 40-50mg Dbol
2-7 10iu Slin PWO and 10iu Breakfast
3-12 500mg-1g Tren E (gradual increase as I adjust)
5-12 600mg Mast E
8-12 6-6-6mg Albuterol
1-5 25mg Aromasin EOD
6-16 12.5mg Aromasin EOD
3-16 Prami/caber (see what I can find)
5-12 75mg S4
1-4Clomid 50/25/25/25
1-4Test Booster( latest and greatest at the time)
1-6 25mg Osta
Nolva on hand
Sooo what do ya'll think?
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Its gonna two months until I start this cycle but I like to have my shit together well in advance.
28 yrs
This will be my 5th proper cycle and yes I've ran Tren twice before and Slin once.
My only real concern with this cycle is too much E mixing with the Tren from the Dbol.
8 week clean bulk 4 week cut
1-12 250mg Test E
1-4 40-50mg Dbol
2-7 10iu Slin PWO and 10iu Breakfast
3-12 500mg-1g Tren E (gradual increase as I adjust)
5-12 600mg Mast E
8-12 6-6-6mg Albuterol
1-5 25mg Aromasin EOD
6-16 12.5mg Aromasin EOD
3-16 Prami/caber (see what I can find)
5-12 75mg S4
1-4Clomid 50/25/25/25
1-4Test Booster( latest and greatest at the time)
1-6 25mg Osta
Nolva on hand
Sooo what do ya'll think?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk