Diet is still the same... Nothing changes day to day but when it does I will start logging the changes, I eat the same foods morn noon and night and the supplments are now increased to the dosage recommended by Ulter..
aKa.. "the bunny stack"
upping my mulit to two a day and adding in some Vit C... My body is telling me it needs something, I hope this helps.
Cardio is gonna have to be upped to 60min session in the eveing..right now i can't get a morning session in
I have a bit of fat to lose in the waist and midsection... My waist is no 26" and I am positive I can take it down an 1" or more in the next few weeks.
Water retenetion is a killer but will work on that. I am sure once the fluid is gone more definition will show though.
Here are some pics I posted on my 'Suit's" thread.