Here is a link...CrazyK said:Yeah, I've fucked 50000000 women with out a condom. I've never had a problem, guess everyone should do as me also?
Arguing with science will yield diminishing returns ulcasterdropout.
Does it justify the removal of the potential of the growth of bacteria under the foreskin? Fuck no IMHO!
I'd like to take the doctor that mutilated my penis and drag his ass out to the woods, gag 'em and cut him like a fucking pig, and then go to work on his family!
The child is strapped down, no local or general anaesthesia is used.
The baby feels the whole ordeal!!!!
Wouldn't you just rather take some antibiotics if a problem occured, then having brutal, unnecessary, unanesthetized, infant surgery?
If having forskin was so dangerious, it would not be present in the modern evolved human. The owners would have died and not reproduced.
It's tradition, not science at work here.