easiest way to take olive/flax oil is to pour a tbs in your mouth, then take a sip of water, tip your head back so the oil rises to the top and the water falls to the back of your throat, then swallow. You wont even taste the oil, it tastes like drinkin a big gulp of water.
does it not "work" if you grill your chicken with it?
BTW, I've never seen Udo's at Trader Joe's, but I could've just missed it. I doubt that they have it at a regular grocery store...they DO have it at Wild Oats though...I have the capsule version.
morrocan extra virgin is better
but remember my earlier post on another thread about olive oils tasting different from different areas
i love morrocan and to a slightly lesser degree spanish
more fruity and aromatic than others
i get bored with just olive oil
when i run out i rotate
walnut oil
roasted peanut
extra virgin canola
anything but toasted sesame seed oil (too much gives ya the runs) lol