BM gave some incredible advice but i wanted to chime in as i've been attempting to make my mark over the past 2-3 years. As for TFP...i know BM has been out of the modeling world for a minute but truthfully, most photog's are steering clear of TFP these days. Unless however, they feel you can offer them something different to their portfolio. MUA's and stylists...(those who are worth a fart) wont "waste time" (as they say) for free. Not to be negative nelly but just want to give other careful about anyone who does offer TFP for a few reasons...
1. quite possible you will be their first "shoot" dont want this. you want someone with at least SOME experience to shoot you.
2. they will make you sign a model release form which gives them rights to do whatev they want with your prints. BE CAREFUL!!!!! if you go to any jo schmo with a cam...your face can easily end up on a site you dont want it on. as well with the model release and experience of the dont want your first pics out in the world to be low grade. the better approach these days is to cough up about $300 for a decent-good photographer who has quality prints...possibly published work because you know what to can get 2-4 different looks (depending on the photog) which will give you 2-4 solid prints for your port.
THEN..........start doing some shameless self promoting., modelmayhem, MYSPACE....get out there and start contacting these photog's and create a value in yourself. if they see you are confident and you can sell them on WHY they will benefit from shooting with's likely you can find at least ONE kick ass photog to do a TFP with you. THEN you're soaring! Trust me when i say that it truly only takes 1 or 2 kick ass prints to make something of yourself.
3. an angle to take...get on those sites and start researching photographers ports....find someone who DOESNT have what you're wanting to do. (btw...what is your end result goal?) i will tell you that these guys today like out of the box creativity.
4. as for parts modeling that you're talking is important. be careful here too....alot of photog's are skilled for IN STUDIO work/lighting....and when you try and take them outside to shoot...they freak. and vv.
5. not likely you'll find a photog who'll do a TFP who's going to travel to different locations for one set. not if he's not getting paid. if you haven't done a shoot before....there's alot of work that goes into one. equip, lighting, makeup, yada yada. what i would do is drive around and look for a place that will provide variety for you. (ie: an abandoned building, warehouse, an old farmhouse, etc) if you're creative you can get some killer shots all in one spot.
what are you hoping to do with the prints? editorial, commercial, fitness, print, stock?
where are you located? i'll see if i know anyone in your area that you could contact. feel free to pm me if you have any other questions. i truly did the grunt work on this and am MORE than willing to help bypass that part.
check out my myspace page if you get a chance and you can see some of my prints too. - CC - 28 - Female - Atlanta, GEORGIA - hope i've helped some.