Never spend to much money on your first date below I have a simple guideline that tells you how much to spend depending on what you get.
Hand release: $1.08
Hand release plus happy ending: $1.25
Head: $1.87
Hummer: $0.50
Head plus a happy ending: $1.90
A kiss $0.08
Anal: $4.64
In her Box $3.61
All of the Above: $7.97 and you might call her the next day.
See with this simple money plan you can spend some of your extra cash on dumb bimbos and strippers sometimes dumb bimbos don't even take cash some take half a donut, shoe laces, a sandwich with a bite in it, bus tickets be creative thats all.
Hand release: $1.08
Hand release plus happy ending: $1.25
Head: $1.87
Hummer: $0.50
Head plus a happy ending: $1.90
A kiss $0.08
Anal: $4.64
In her Box $3.61
All of the Above: $7.97 and you might call her the next day.
See with this simple money plan you can spend some of your extra cash on dumb bimbos and strippers sometimes dumb bimbos don't even take cash some take half a donut, shoe laces, a sandwich with a bite in it, bus tickets be creative thats all.