will be doing first cycle soon, a bulking cycle. need to put some more meat on, and some say it's not a good idea bla bla to jump to a cycle like this right away , but i am not asking for an opinion on this view, but am looking for some suggestions on how to take and how much to take. I am only 5'6 155 pounds, it's alright if a lot of you are thinking dont bother doing them but please only reply helpful/the help i am asking for in this post. Anyways, planning on oral dianabol, with deca-durabolin and test e. i was thinking d-bol for 4 week's, deca durabol for 10 and test e for 12, does that sound right? i'd like any suggestions on lenghts of cycle, and doses. I was thinking on 30-40mg of d-bol, 350-400mg deca-dura and 500mg test e. I am positive i naturally have low test, have never been tested for it but the last year i have had low to no libido like no urge to have sex, never have any energy, also i believe i've never had normal test level's, i am 21 yrs old and have pretty much no facial hair other than my upper lip funny i know LOL... Anyways i would like any helpful information for the answers i am looking for and would really appreciate anyone that could help me out, am looking to bulk up a little, i hear the test makes ya feel great and im sure it would make me feel like a million bucks with how my test level's have been going lately, thanks.