kinda just want to keep it simple with my first cycle and see how my body reacts to just test and dbol for 12 weeks.... I realize all the compounds in dianabulk could be more effective, but this is a first cycle.... keeping it simple.
kinda just want to keep it simple with my first cycle and see how my body reacts to just test and dbol for 12 weeks.... I realize all the compounds in dianabulk could be more effective, but this is a first cycle.... keeping it simple.
Thats perfectly fine. As long as you are controlling estrogen with a good AI, you should have no issues. Aromasin at 12.5mg EOD or liquidex AI at 2ml per day will work well for this.
On cycle make sure to run a good proper support like N2guard to cover your health and make your cycle as side effect free as possible. Its also a good idea to use HCGgenerate on cycle to reduce shutdown and make the transition to PCT much more smooth.
As for PCT, make sure you have a good one lined up. This is what I recommend:
Liquid Clomid 50/50/25/25 (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Liquid Aromasin (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Test Stack 17 or PHYTOSERMS (see link below for info and discounts)
Ostarine 25mg per day (SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators)