Reminds me- I was in Acapulco a few years back(9 years actually) and we were at the Palladium(sp) dancing and there was this tall beautiful blonde. I went up and started dancing with her and the next thing you know were making out and I got my finger up her skirt playing with her pussy.
My buddy was telling me about this chick who's romm he was partying at and he went to take a pee and there was a chick in the shower. He simply opened the curtain and started fingering the broad.
A few nights go by and we're at the Alabreje(sp?) for our last night there, and the chick I was fingering comes walking up to me. As she's walking up my buddy tells me that's the chick he fingered in the shower. So we're thinking, who's she gonna come up to. She walks up to me and looks at my friend and says "at least he asked me to dance first". I started laughing my ass off.
So to end the story about an hour into the night drining and dancing, her friend comes running in, something about their friend getting arrested and they had to get her out before morning to catch the plane. That was the last I saw of her. She did actually call me a few weeks later. All she had was my first name and room # from my hotel. She actually called Bianchi Rossi(the travel agency) and got my info. She appologized for the night and we made plans to see each other down the road. She was from DC, I was in MN. Never happened.
The end.