Have to put cutting on hold until March...I'm on my university's synchronized skating team, and since this year we have a much larger budget to work with, our competition season schedule is far more intense. We practice 2-3 hrs/night Sunday-Thursday, are out of town competing most weekends starting this weekend, and weekends we are in town we either have exhibitions and/or additional ice on Friday and Saturday. On top of that are my individual skating practices a few hours a week.
So I'm pretty much eating clean, but a lot more calories (around 2000) to keep my strength/energy up. I've cut out all cardio other than skating and walking to/from campus when it's not too cold. The 10 pounds I wanted to lose will probably go away anyway given our schedule.
I'm still lifting upper body twice a week. My biggest question is WHEN the heck am I supposed to lift legs, IF at all??? Skating is such a lower body sport (and it builds muscle--look at figure skaters' thighs and glutes!), and my legs are just constantly exhausted. I also can't afford to have them sore for practice.
This is my schedule on a "normal" day: work 8:30am-3:45, class 4-7pm, skating anywhere from 8pm-midnight....really leaves no time to lift. (Early AM is out of the question, the gym doesn't open until 7:30 and I NEED my sleep.)