New member
I don't think this is real stuff u are taking. These dosages are crazy and definitely not necessary for someone your age especially their first cycle. I remember my first cycle in my 20s I took half a pill of anadrol a day. I only has 30 pills and I gained 20lbs. I'm sure some of that was water but still. Couple other possible problems. When u get bad gear, u don't know what's in it. It could be nothing and vegetable oil and I've seen as bad as motor oil. Yes, there are assholes out there that would put motor oil in a bottle and sell it to u. So even though it hasn't been enough time for the gear to work its way into your system, if its junk or even worst yet contaminated, u could have a bad reaction. A friend of mine had to have a cyst cut out of his butt because of injecting garbage stuff. Also if there's bacteria in there and cause some kind of infection in your body like that, them obviously u would feel like shit. Hope that helps