Hey all,
Sorry for this common question.
I just finished the perfect pct protocol (clomid, nolva, gw501, cardarine, aromasin ) after a 16 week test, deca , eq and drol cycle. I stopped the eq and deca two weeks prior to the end of the cycle and waited 2 weeks until starting pct.
I got a blood test done with one day remaining yesterday and the results show my test is 373, Lh is 0.2, fsh is 0.5. Estrogen is low.
Is this a sign of a failed PCT? Should I start up again or just give it time? I felt like shit for the first few weeks but feel okay now physically and mentally. My other results are messed up which is expected (lipid panel is not great, liver values are still elevated).
Background about me:
I'm 31 and a competitive Powerlifter. I'm 6'3, 232 right now. Elite deadlifter. I've been using steroids since fall 2014. I have not always been responsible and blasted and cruised for approximately one year. Never used hcg on any cycle I've done.
I accepted the risks of hrt when I started. My only fear is that I won't be able to have children.
Sorry for this common question.
I just finished the perfect pct protocol (clomid, nolva, gw501, cardarine, aromasin ) after a 16 week test, deca , eq and drol cycle. I stopped the eq and deca two weeks prior to the end of the cycle and waited 2 weeks until starting pct.
I got a blood test done with one day remaining yesterday and the results show my test is 373, Lh is 0.2, fsh is 0.5. Estrogen is low.
Is this a sign of a failed PCT? Should I start up again or just give it time? I felt like shit for the first few weeks but feel okay now physically and mentally. My other results are messed up which is expected (lipid panel is not great, liver values are still elevated).
Background about me:
I'm 31 and a competitive Powerlifter. I'm 6'3, 232 right now. Elite deadlifter. I've been using steroids since fall 2014. I have not always been responsible and blasted and cruised for approximately one year. Never used hcg on any cycle I've done.
I accepted the risks of hrt when I started. My only fear is that I won't be able to have children.