New member

Sorry for the Novel…Bizarre situation, still lookin for answers...I've Googled myself silly the past few months with no good matches.
I'm on TRT past 10 years. Have used both prescription and "over-seas" brands of Test. Dragon Pharma, Geneza. Occasional test boosts.
I've exhausted all other research routes on this.
Symptoms don't match any 'abscess' situation I've read about. (I've zero fat on my thighs so it's easy to see/feel)
It started in December... noticed soreness in both thighs and tendons above knee. Woke next morn, Fever of 101 and Malaise, thighs swollen, warm. Not sore to touch/push, only when I bend my knee/stretch the muscle, like someone punched me hard. No redness on skin at all.
So... took ibuprofen, felt better, 3-4 days later, sides gone. Knee tendon remained sore though.
There was also some edema that subsided, same time.
Also... an area on each glute was slightly swollen/warm...not painful but visible, I can sort of grab the small mass 3". Its not squishy or soft/not hard either... and doesn't hurt to push on. Obviously my frequent injection sites, but I always rotate sites/never pin twice before 2 weeks. VERY clean pin method, 90% alcohol scrub!
This has gone away and come back... 7 times now!

Showed/explained to Doctor and got, "Gee I don't know, that's strange."
Had blood work done.
-Test was 1000, OK.
-Estrogen was 3500!

-Some bacteria in urine like UTI but I don't have UTI symptoms. ?
- Few Ketones found.
All else Normal.
Was given Sulfamethoxazole-TMP DS for UTI.
Arimidex for Estrogen.
Possible the Extremely high Estrogen has something to do with it?
Any ideas?
Anyone ever experienced anything similar?
I'm stumped. Thoughts?
Thank you for any replies.