For me, the evening is no good for workouts. My bed time is 10:00, and I'm at my best for physical activity at about 8AM. I get up around 6-7 depending on time of year/sunrise, eat a LARGE high-protein breakfast, then work out. If I have to skip my workout in the morning, I'll wait til the next morning since I've tried in the evening and it's just a lazy, slow, useless waste of time.
I think I'm in the minority though, because when I go by Gold's Gym or any other big gym, it's jampacked after dinner time, and about vacant in the early morning. Elderly people work out in the middle of the day, it looks like. Young men & women seem to work out from about 4:00 to late evening, and a few in the pre-dawn; I guess people who are morning people that start work later in the morning, but are crapped out by evening.