Personally, unless you're nearing contest ready (5 - 7% bodyfat) and juiced, even real drugs that reduce/block estrogen are unlikely to have an effect on the physique.
Regarding OTCs, don't waste your money.
The 6-OXO from ergoPharm is supposed to bind aromatase. Where's the data that it does that and in what tissue, reduces total circulating E (long-term) in women, and that it actually positively affects the physique. It is supposed to upregulate LH as well which would be counterproductive in women.
I see a number of threads on this board about women who are not competitors and are a millennia from anything that would resemble contest shape. Instead of thinking drugs or OTC drug-like products, try a solid course of diet and exercise for at least a year, perhaps some ECA if things stall at that point and be patient.
Personally, after years of hard diet and exercise, the route likely to make the most difference is a low dose of OX, not T3, clen, DNP or estrogen blockers. If you’re going to use any drug to potentially alter the way you look, all which have risks some far worse than AAS, you might as well use something that will produce solid results. Just my opinion, certainly not a recommendation.
Chyrsin supposedly blocks a subunit of the CYP enzyme system to reduce the conversion of T to E. Been looked at in andro studies, does nothing.
I3C upregulates the CYP enzyme responsible for routing estrone to 2-hydroxyestrone vs 16-alpha hydroxyestrone. May reduce breast cancer risk, but not enhance the physique.
Be careful what CYP enzyme inhibitor/activators you ingest as herbals. Some of the same enzymes they alter also process many xenobiotics and can also change the Phase II detox system. That means that they may alter the effectiveness of many drugs including OCs and make some of the toxins in our environment MORE carcinogenic in our bodies.