H heavy_duty New member Apr 15, 2007 #31 what a slut she is, I bet you got cum all over your dick as soon as you put it in her. know what I'm sayin?
what a slut she is, I bet you got cum all over your dick as soon as you put it in her. know what I'm sayin?
G georgie24 New member Apr 15, 2007 #32 she is hot and bisexual i dont want relations i been there done that
string_bean00 New member Apr 16, 2007 #34 I've done far, far stupider I bet I'd have fucked up my life and have a kid by now if it wasn't for my self sterilization due to AAS
I've done far, far stupider I bet I'd have fucked up my life and have a kid by now if it wasn't for my self sterilization due to AAS
G georgie24 New member Apr 16, 2007 #35 string_bean00 said: I've done far, far stupider I bet I'd have fucked up my life and have a kid by now if it wasn't for my self sterilization due to AAS Click to expand... i just came off 4 month cycle, currently on nolva and clomid..hopefully il shooting blanks
string_bean00 said: I've done far, far stupider I bet I'd have fucked up my life and have a kid by now if it wasn't for my self sterilization due to AAS Click to expand... i just came off 4 month cycle, currently on nolva and clomid..hopefully il shooting blanks
Island Son New member Apr 16, 2007 #36 Life in the new millennium, scared shitless after having sex. How fucked up are we...
S Stefka New member Apr 16, 2007 #37 I had a whoops moment...I went and got the morning after pill and got tested for everything several times just to make sure. You're probably fine - but start carrying condoms.
I had a whoops moment...I went and got the morning after pill and got tested for everything several times just to make sure. You're probably fine - but start carrying condoms.
G georgie24 New member Apr 16, 2007 #38 georgie24 said: i just came off 4 month cycle, currently on nolva and clomid..hopefully il shooting blanks Click to expand... but to reiterate ( sp) i never blew a load to begin with
georgie24 said: i just came off 4 month cycle, currently on nolva and clomid..hopefully il shooting blanks Click to expand... but to reiterate ( sp) i never blew a load to begin with
all the whey New member Apr 16, 2007 #39 georgie24 said: but to reiterate ( sp) i never blew a load to begin with Click to expand... Small amounts of seman can come out during intercourse. Next time put it in the but.
georgie24 said: but to reiterate ( sp) i never blew a load to begin with Click to expand... Small amounts of seman can come out during intercourse. Next time put it in the but.
INNOCENT New member Apr 16, 2007 #40 you will end up worrying yourself to death bro... i do the same thing i know. just relax and take it easy...
you will end up worrying yourself to death bro... i do the same thing i know. just relax and take it easy...