This whole 'don't eat food XYZ' before bed thing is total bro-science. Carbs are energy so yes, it makes sense not to eat a huge amount of carbs before bed because you aren't going to be active for the next couple of hours when you are sleeping but including some carbs in your pre-bed meal will not suddenly turn into body fat.
Before bed you want to eat a slowly digesting protein source that will trickle amino acids into your blood stream over the next 8 hours. Lean steak is actually a GREAT food to eat before bed because it is very slowly digested. A good before bed meal would be something like lean steak + grilled asparagus. Another good before bed protein source is casein. Casein protein coagulates and creates a gel in the stomach. It is very slow digesting as a result. The coagulating nature of casein is what allows milk to be made into cheese.