I read a post recently that relayed information on an "easier to digest" creatine. Can anyone help out here? Creatine just plain wrecks my stomach.....indigestion/gas/the shits, etc! can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
On and off for 3 years. It's been beneficial yet brutal on the gut. I know for sure there's a product someone recently came out with that was "easier to diget" with all the same benefits as typical creatine. I just can't remember the damn company!
Sorry bro, I'm not familiar with it. I know that creatine can mess with you a little bit during the first few dosages, but then eases up. Hopefully you'll get an answer to this.
I used to have the same problem with even a little nausia after taking creatine. Warming the water up for a minute (not hot) and allowing the crystals to full dissolve really helped. Prolly the liquid kind would do just as well but I have never tried it..