Well... I'm not here to brag, nor am I here to try and sound like an expert on women, let me preceed this with that

I have slept with alot of women, I mean alot, from all over the world(USMC 88-92), and all I can say is this. I have found that it's not so much the quantity as much as the quality. Most girls that I have really fucked hard, and I mean fucked hard, leaving them dripping and legs shaking so bad they can hardly walk, have almost always had only between 3 - 5 o's per session. I've seen em where their whole body is shaking uncontrollably for 10 to 15 minutes after. It's all about technique. I'd much rather have something make my ass quake, than just shudder a little, if you know what I mean. And if you're having trouble getting her off, get her drunk, she be more relaxed and more able to nut. And remember, foreplay starts when she gets up in the am. A bad day can fuck up her o.
On a side note, gymgurl, you guys ought to try this game that one of my fuck buddies and I used to play. We used to see who could get the other one off first, timed with a stop watch

The loser would then have to do it again somewhere public, totally with the possibility of getting caught

You could change the winnings to whatever you 'd like, it just gives you a way to practice, and it insures integrity of the game. She wouldn't lie and say she got off earlier that she did, etc etc. We'd also critique each other after we were done, just gave each other pointers and such. I had a couple of buddies like this back in the day, helps keep you on your game