Unlike some of the people posting, I HAVE read your book. It was amazing, and I have been using your suggestions for a year or so with great results. However, I do have a few questions about PCT.
1. Given that I am doing the short cycles (relative to the current norm) that you recommend, would you still forgo prescription based PCT completely (specifically low dose HCG)?
Yes, though I still recommend using HCG as a jumpstart.
I plan on using a T blend this time around, and my main concern is from a study showing that HPTA of human males was severely hampered after as little as 30 days of 250mg/w T. It was only a 30 day study, so there is nothing to show how much further the HPTA was affected in an 8+ week cycle. I was also only able to see a summary of the study, not the actual study.
Note: Your recommended product "HCGenerate" is currently out of stock, do you have viable alternatives, are all the ingredients still legal, or should I just buy them individual.
Yes, use BRIDGE as an alternative. Any cycle is going to hamper HPTA and it takes a while for it to recover. That's why you want to get FreeT as high as possible as fast as possible. That's what makes UNLEASHED so important starting a few days after your last shot.
2. Do you feel that an AI (specifically aromasin) is important during a short or long T based cycle or would herbal supplements be more/less effective? Are these at all useful PC since your T is already low?
It depends how susceptible you are to estro sides. A little a-dex is good tom have on hand. You don;t need a lot.
From what I can tell, there is strong, but limited, anecdotal evidence/testemonials of seasoned cycle veterans seem to strongly suggest low dose, daily aromasin as mandatory during a T based cycle. Letrozole being seen as much too strong for improving the E:T balance, as some E is important.
3. Because your book was written a few years ago, I was wondering if you still recommend the same products (I know some of the recommendations you made in your first book changed slightly in the second) and are there any new ones out there, that you feel are backed with enough scientific evidence to support their use?
A lot of the ingredients I recommended have been put into the products POST CYCLE and UNLEASHED.
P.S. I would love to see an updated version of Bottomline Bodybuilding, it's really one of the most informative books and unconventional books I've read on this subject.[
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.