About 2 years ago I woke up one morning and the first thing I noticed was this awkward sensation that all my "power" and libido was practically gone - from one day to the next. One year earlier I had just come off a 6 week cycle which included taking nolvadex as part of the PCT phase. Now I read somewhere recently that nolvadex can have an adverse effect on libido so how do I reverse the process if indeed that is where the problem lies? My doctor told me he had no clue what possibly could cause libido to decrease so drastically. My sexual prowess has always been a source of pride and joy as my sex drive was way above average and to have that taken away from me has been devastating. I only get horny if I take Viagra and even then my erections are at 70%. But I shouldn’t have to take Viagra at 31 ?I've completed 2 steroid cycles throughout my life - both over a 6-8 week period with low dosages. Any ideas?