this is a piece of an article from Ast, written by Paul Cribb. Shows Glutamine and Creatine use different receptors.
"Molecules with similar structure to creatine were also shown not to be taken up by the cells. And while cell volumizing amino acids like taurine have similar transport mechanisms, high concentrations of taurine did not interfere with creatine uptake one bit.
This report also demonstrated that the creatine transporter is a very complex protein. It has several protein kinase phosphorylation sites (binding sites for specific enzymes) and interference with any one of these sites inhibits creatine transport to varying extents.1 This indicates that creatine uptake is an intricate, precise procedure and why it's been previously so difficult to assess creatine’s effects on a cellular level.
What do these findings on creatine mean? Possibly a lot, maybe nothing. That old, empty scientific cliché really does apply here, "more research is needed". However, some important factors have been established. Although creatine and glutamine are both dependant on the ‘Na+/K+ pump for active transport into the cell, they each utilize different transporters. This means they both have different and exclusive ways of getting into muscle cells. These may represent true anabolic pathways that may be independently manipulated to produce a permanent anabolic state within the cell.
The creatine transporter is very complex, and transporting creatine into muscle cells is dependent on many substrates and variables. It is not as simple as previously thought. Presently, I would be inclined to consider the use of both substrates at once and investigate a potent, synergistic ‘cell volumizing’ effect or, alternating cycles of the two supplements to prevent cell receptor down regulation."
So don't be afraid to combine the two...