Yea nclifter I have trained low reps, I have been powerlifting for a long time and thats how we train most of the time, reps of 5's, 3's, 2's, and some singles. I actually train everything twice a week but its not like what you are talking about. For example lets say I do bench press on Monday, well on Thursday I would do something that mimics the bench press in order to strengthen it more. For example on Thursday I may do closegrip bench press, closegrip incline press, bench press of off boards, floor press, dumbell bench press, etc. with the eception of a few movements that I may cycle in there Im not really hitting my chest again on Thursday because Im either doing only a partial movement to work on my top end/lockout strength or Im doing a closegrip exercise to strengthen my triceps. See so I kinda do work things twice a week but not the same exercise. Im not being a pussy believe me, I overtrain so easily its unreal, no matter how much protein I eat or carbs or fat. Its just the way my body is. But at least I know what works for me I guess. I have benched 365lbs, squated 455lbs, and deadlifted over 500 at a bodyweight of 165 so its not like my routine sucks. I just cant compete in full powerlifting meets anymore so all Im trying to do is lose this little bit of fat I put on when I was training to go up into a different weight class and keep it off. Thanks for all the advice NC.