with all the dieting cardio and training ive done i beleive cardio is more important than dieting when it comes to getting big and ripped at the same time. when u eat less food your metabolizm goes down we all know this. even if you eat like 20 calories less your metabolizm is lower because your eating LESS. when you eat a shitload of food your metabolizm is higher but you are getting more calories which can make you fat unless you dont do high intesity cardio like sprints. you grow muscle much easier the higher your metabolizm (more calories). what people should do is concentrate on keeping that metabolizm high with LOTS and LOTS of food. the more food the higher metabolizm the more muscle your building. i would just keep going up and up and up on the calories eat anything you want just keep fats decent i suppose around 100 grams of fat or more(actually im not even shure if it matters that much on fat intake for muscle building the more fat the more muscle you may put on, i dont know ,but i do know its bad for arteries) and protien at one gram per pound of bodyweight. your body will always be in an anabolic state if your eating tons of cals. but the trick is everyday do high intensity cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to give you an early morning boost for you metabolizm. and we all know that sprints or high intesity cardio is the best way of cardio to actually tap into your fat stores for energy this is backed by many studies. i go to the gym and there are alot of nccu athletes they are big and ripped up one of the guys here is all natural deadlifts 600 plus at a bodyweight of 165 4 percent bodyfat year round, i am not lieng the guy needs to compete. but anyways to get back on point these athletes almost always do cardio first thing in the morning on empty stomachs and eat tons of food all day. most of these guys are 200+ pounds plus all under 7-8 percent bodyfat. they tell me the same thing do cardio on empty stomach and just train no fancy training routines or diets just eat do cardio and lift.
im beginning to realize they have alot of truth in what they say. for those that think im just some jabroni running off at the mouth about cardio, im in great shape i have a pic on here. i still could stand to put on alot more size i feel there isnt really any limit to how big you can get ,its just a matter of how much food your stomach can handle everyday and if you train.i got really cut this year by extreme dieting this year i got down to about 6-7 percentbodyfat lowest ive been in a long time, i posted a pic on here of me with a nice six pack with some size, after the pic i got even more ripped but i was eating next to nothing i still kept a decent amount of mass but felt crappy and couldnt eat anything good. i had lowerd my metabolizm soo much by eating so little. but now im eating probably 3 times as many calories as apposed to when i was dieting. im gaining alot of new muscle. i eat anything i want icecream pies pizzza and alot of protien. but now i have alot more energy to do the cardio and lift and i feel alot better during the day cause im eating yummy foods, i eat as much as i can, i stuff my face everyday getting stronger everyday at the gym. i hope all this i wrote can help someone here its helped me. later
im beginning to realize they have alot of truth in what they say. for those that think im just some jabroni running off at the mouth about cardio, im in great shape i have a pic on here. i still could stand to put on alot more size i feel there isnt really any limit to how big you can get ,its just a matter of how much food your stomach can handle everyday and if you train.i got really cut this year by extreme dieting this year i got down to about 6-7 percentbodyfat lowest ive been in a long time, i posted a pic on here of me with a nice six pack with some size, after the pic i got even more ripped but i was eating next to nothing i still kept a decent amount of mass but felt crappy and couldnt eat anything good. i had lowerd my metabolizm soo much by eating so little. but now im eating probably 3 times as many calories as apposed to when i was dieting. im gaining alot of new muscle. i eat anything i want icecream pies pizzza and alot of protien. but now i have alot more energy to do the cardio and lift and i feel alot better during the day cause im eating yummy foods, i eat as much as i can, i stuff my face everyday getting stronger everyday at the gym. i hope all this i wrote can help someone here its helped me. later