Hey what's up, I've been training for a year and a half, I'm 26, I am 6 foot and I weigh 157 pounds, I was looking into doggcrapp and I like it very much as it meets everything I want in a program (frequency, intensity, and a strength aspect) do you think I would be overtraining if I did a simple DC split whilst on dianabol (I am running a 5 week cycle). My diet is very clean as I am going to eat 3800 calories ED.
Thanks in advance
Doggcrapp (DC Training) is
NOT a beginner program. At 6' and 157 lbs, you are a beginner. If you have read up on DC you would know that. Dante recommends a minimum of 3 years of consistent, serious training before thinking about DC. DC is mostly a last resort for guys who have exhausted gains through every other training program they've tried (and they've tried almost all of them).
You need to look into a 3x5 or 5x5 style routine and forget about a super clean 3800 calorie diet, and just eat the fuck out of everything in sight. With your metabolism and the fact you're lifting 3 days a week, you won't put on much fat if any. You can keep your diet mostly clean, eating chicken, steak, fish, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc. But sure as shit don't skip dessert and a few McDoubles from the dollar menu and a large fries wouldn't hurt you now and then either.
I can shit out 3800 calories a day when I'm bulking. That's eating like a girl. To get in the calories and the protein you're going to need (minimum 2 grams of protein -at your weight 3 grams - per pound of bodyweight per day), you will need to drink around 3 shakes a day on top of eating every 2-3 hours.
Please do not start DC training. Look into the stronglifts 5x5, or the madcow 5x5 for intermediate lifters. Both are hosted on the stronglifts.com site. Google will lead you right there.
And save your money on the cycle. You haven't even learned how to eat and train yet. Why waste money on gear for what you could easily get naturally?