I am assuming that you are very well educated on AAS if you are planning on doing a cycle. However, if the hubby is giving you problems, it's only b/c he loves you and doesnt want to see you get hurt in any way. Thats a good thing. He is also probably uneducated about AAS and is very ignorant about them just like so many other people.He SHOULD understand that this is something that YOU have decided to do, and he should support you no matter what....get the guy EDUCATED on everything so that he understands. Since you are only going with the Var, then that is the only thing he needs to know about FOR RIGHT NOW. Just like the other girls mentioned, sides are different for everyone but Var is generally mild (depending on the dosage). Also, be CAREFUL about sources and all that stuff b/c you never know who might wanna rip you off. My boyfriend suggested that I go on the Var...lol...yea his idea. I also support him while he's doing his cycle....good luck!